Monday, October 29, 2007
What Curse?

Sunday, October 28, 2007
Happy Happy Birthday Sydney

Make a Wish...and BLOW!
Happy birthday Sydney! Sydney just turned the BIG #3! Saturday we loaded up the kids and ran away to Globe for the day to celebrate cousin Sydney's 3rd birthday ( and to see the Davis' new pad). We had such a fun time watching the kiddos play, eat some yummy food (thanx Jaymi), & visit w/ the fam. Crew was so sad when it was time to go. He wanted to stay and smash the pumpkin (even though the pinata was hangin on its last strand). Good times. We just love cousin Sydney and her spunky attitude! She's a sweetie! Here's to you Sydney....Happy Birthday!
Jason VS The Skunk!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
F.H.E. at the Pumpkin Patch

Redskins Class of 1997 Reunion

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The Three Amigos
Connor, Olivia, & Crew
The Three Amigos! Last weekend J had more meetings in Phoenix (woo-hoo! another mini vaca for me & the boys) so the kiddos and I traveled along with! We stayed with Becca & Steve and let the kids loose! Always a good time w/ the Kobrigers! Friday Becca and I took the kids to the park to get their sillies out AND they had the water on in the little fountain area. I knew once Crew saw it, there would be no resisting getting wet! So we let the kids do their damage and strip down to undies and have at it! They had a BLAST! We had such an awesome weekend playing at the park (and getting wet!), Jumping in the blow up castle, going out to eat, taking the kiddos to Dippin' Dots, Becca & I stealing away to the mall while the fellas watched the kids, and late nights laughing & talking! Good Times! I can't wait for Big J to have another meeting(s) in the Valley again! I love & miss it very much! (and yes, even the HEAT!)
Monday, October 1, 2007
The things "Crew" says.

The things that come out this this kids mouth lately have cracked us up! Since going to Pre-school and learning to talk & communicate better he manages to sputter out some of the funniest things! New things he tells us:
“You gotta be kidding me, Mom!”
“That’s ENOUGH!”
When he wants to get our attention when we are in the middle of something:
“Mom/Dad….I talking to YOU!”
When he wants our attention when we are talking to each other:
“Dad…..no more talk to Mom!”
“You’re the best!”
“That’s SWEEEET!”
AND last but surely not least one of my fav’s!!!.......
“I a ladies man!”
Hotties by the Pool-Side.

Luckily the bug only lasted a few days! Poor little guys!!! Crew wasn’t happy about wearing “diapers” (pull-ups). BUT he survived, and luckily so did we through the STINK (literally)!