Sunday, October 12, 2008

Harvest Festival

50 mph gusts of wind, dirt in our faces, chicken attacks, tractor rides, Willis Farm, & pumpkin pickin'...this was Snowflake Harvest Festival 2008. First, the wind was ridiculous...cold, blowing dirt all around us, and lets not even mention what it did to my hair. Chicken attacks...while we were waiting for our tractor ride to the farm there was a little chicken coop the boys where checkin' out when dun dun dun...Crew's little fingers looked more like tasty worms to the Big Rooster when he snapped at them....which turned into a dramatic scene of tears. Tractor ride made out to be the most exciting ride ever for our little rebels. The farm & pumpkin pickin' was a hit (besides being pasted in gusts of dirt) and 4-picks of perfect pumpkins we were out of there and home safe from the cold wind and glad that we where finally done fighting the elements at Harvest Fest.

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