Thursday, March 27, 2008

Early Easter Activities

Rewind to last Monday....F.H.E. we decided (since it was St. Patties day and that coming weekend was Easter & our anniversary & the fact that 3 months ago we didn't know our anniversary would fall on Easter weekend so we blindly booked a little getaway for 2 to Vegas...) that Big J & I had better create a little Easter/Clover Day fun with our rowdy little boys to redeem ourselves for our lack of better planning. So in our defeat to make us feel somewhat less guilty for not spending the 'holiday' with our 'guys' we (Jason) had the BIG idea to make green eggs & pancakes (in honor of the Irish holiday) And I had the duty of coloring Easter Eggs with 2 boys that have ants in their pants. 2 egg dye spills later and 4 full bellies of GREEN pancakes made up our night of fun...BUT we still felt bad that we wouldn't get to share in the little squeals of "the Easter Bunny came!"

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