What do you do when your
2 year old locks himself in the bedroom, cant get out....and the room key is inside that room? Well you
break into your own house from the outside and call on your 4 year old to climb through the bedroom room window to save the day! So a little panic set in the other day when I came down the hall after cleaning up the kitchen and realized that
Trip had locked himself in my room...and the room key was no where to be found (because it was on top of the armoire in MY ROOM!) I knocked, called his name, pounded on the door, yelled his name, considered kicking the door down on
try #3 when I screamed his name and he wouldn't respond!!! Yes,
hysteria was setting in and every awful unimaginable thing ran through my mind in the 5 minutes it took me to figure out how to get into that room. A light bulb went off in my head when I remembered I had left my bedroom window cracked open and I could send
Crew on a Rescue Mission and boost him through and he could save the day! So we did just that...and Trip thought is was great...he laughed and laughed when he saw Crew climbing through the window...the little booger was just fine...he was entertained with his bottle, snuggled into the pillows and blankets on the bed, and
kickin' back watching cartoons. Should have known...one can't get in front of a little man and his 'toons!
It's the worst feeling EVER isn't it? Jada locked herself inside the house, and all of us OUT! Long story short...It took awhile to resolve the situation...
And how many times did that happen while all of you were growing up. The worst was with the truck and the truck was idling. Best keep a key on the outside of your room Shanda. Made me laugh and brought back memories! Mom
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