Whiting Baby #3 is going to be a...

Monday November 2nd (the day that marks J & I's first date back in 2003) was the day we discovered we would be adding a
sassy, spoiled, little tom-boy to our family. A perfect fit. The "Big Brothers" are ecstatic and the name tug-of-war is in full effect. Now our focus is
PINK, bows, dresses 'n frills...we will leave it up to the "Bothers" to keep our
buttercup from getting too girlie. More good news came at our visit when the Dr. talked to us regarding bed rest, puking, bleeding, etc. etc (our issues) and tests & ultrasounds have all come back and we are in the clear...delivery will be normal, baby is perfect, and
prayers have been answered.
We are truly blessed...and couldn't be more excited...can't you tell!?!