Every household that contains testosterone within its walls has been anticipating the arrival of
TRANSFORMERS II (the Revenge of the Fallen). The recap of our date night went something along the lines of this: Husband
+ Wife
+ a little added baggage named Crew
= a little drive to the Movie Theater, paid for our tickets, picked up our popcorn & drinks at the concession stand (a must do for any movie), staked out our seats, settled down for entertainment, watched Crew get his first on screen crush on Megan Fox,
holding hands & sharing popcorn with the one I love, and feeding into the cheers of oohs & ahhs of our little 5 year old boys excitement while the "good-bots" beat up the "bad"-bots and won. I don't know who was the better date, the one who paid for it or the one that made it so entertaining...they'll have to settle for a tie.