The "Man" had his very first ever T-Ball game. Let me just say, I think us parents are into this game just as much (if not more) than our rebels that storm the field. What’s most important to me at this moment is his enjoyment (he's only 5, I can't expect him to be hitting dingers out of the park yet)…but he’s bound to get pretty good at it IF he gets a taste for it. I know he is the kind of kid, who once, hooked will not stop til he’s mastered it. Whatever it is. The entire point of him playing is so he can learn if he likes it or not. Now truthfully, I probably talked it up a bit to him…you know something along the lines of “Mommy likes to play softball …don’tcha wanna play ball like Mommy?” Because I would much rather him play something I know a little about rather than be involved in something I can’t help him with…Like Chess or Basket Weaving. However, if after the season is over he doesn’t want to play again, I won’t force him (but encourage him to try try again)...but I am sure we won't have a problem with that...the game was a success! Way to go get 'em #9.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Baseball's "Opening Day"

Egg Hunting

Easter Sunday at Papa & Nana Smith's House = food, family, and the annual "Golden Egg Challenge." Dinner is eaten, desert devoured, eggs are hidden, and eager giggles bound as the flood gates open to the hunt. Eggs hidden in & over, on top & under every surface of Papa's backyard. Grand kids ran with smiles plastered on their faces fighting for the chance to claim the title of "Winner of the Hunt" BUT this year there was a twist in the egg hunting game. There was not just one golden egg to be sought after but 2 golden eggs AND a bonus silver egg. Competition was fierce, drive was high, and a little help from Grandpa with the rebels led to Trip with loads of eggs & Mr. JCrew to digging up (literally digging the egg out of the ground...we take our egg hunt seriously) the valued "Silver Egg". Thanks for the fun hunting Grandma & Grandpa Smith!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Easter thought
I can’t believe I am posting something on a blog but I guess I can take comfort in the fact I am not creating my own blog just posting a thought and saying thank you on my wife’s blog. This Easter season I want to say thank you to each of you for being a friend and supporting me and my family. I want to thank my family members for being a strong support system and pulling together and becoming closer each day. I want to thank my wife for being all I have ever needed her to be and standing by my side through the good and the bad. I want to thank my savior for understanding what no one else ever could but him. For lifting me up on days I struggle and for filling me with hope and a desire to do better.
Times are tough for most of us right now, financially, mentally, and sometimes spiritually. “WHY” I have a hard time with this word, it demands so much and yet warrants little thought or action on behalf of the person asking the question. Trust me I get that it would be nice to know exactly why something had to happen the way it did. I still ask “why” most days and I wish the desire to know “why” would go away. Ultimately I am learning that “why” does not matter. It is not the answer to why but rather the question “How” that matters. How can I pick myself up and change for the better, financially, mentally, and spiritually?
I miss my mother no doubt. I find my self often wanting to pick up the phone and call her for advice or direction. I find that I start to look forward to a holiday like Easter as I think about the great traditions my mom and dad taught me and that we cherish at holidays. Picnics at the park or in the woods, Easter egg hunts, and small but meaningful present’s mom would put together for us on Easter morning, time together laughing and having a good time together with each other. Church on Easter Sunday in our new church clothes and a lesson or conversation about the meaning of Easter. This year will be different for sure and I have been dreading Easter a little as mom won’t be physically here with us. I found that I have been too caught up in asking that dang word “why.” How sad right…. No not that I miss my mom but that I have been missing “it” and “it” was right in front of me. This holiday we celebrate the fact that Christ lives. He broke the chains of death and lives and loves us and that because of this “why” does not really matter. Making good choices and asking my self “how” each day and working to become a better man, friend, worker, dad, husband, and son of God will allow me to focus on “how” rather than “why.”
Mom I miss you, I love you, and I think about you each and every day. Often I wish you where here and sometimes I know you are. I want you to be proud of your son and the man I am trying to become. I want to do all I can to prepare to see you again. I want to thank you and dad for sharing the gospel with me. For being the missionaries who worked so hard with the lord to convert me. I pray I do the same for my kids and family. I am so grateful for my savior Jesus Christ and his eternal sacrifice. I am thankful for his individual concern for me and my family and know he works with my family as we come to him with a broken heart and a contrite spirit because that is what he requires of each of us. Thank you for all I have and thank you for teaching me the importance of “how” rather than “why”
Check out this great clip put together on Easter. Well worth you time.
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