Despite all grief, sadness, & mourning we come to one realization: life moves on. The world does not stop its rotation. The hands on the clock tick on. We pick ourseleves up and keep moving forward. So in the gap of time that has passed this is has been our life:
Saying Goodbye-
We just want you all to know how much we love and appreciate you, your kind actions, your thoughts, and your prayers. It means so much to our family. You all impacted our lives and made it easier to have so many people we love there to support us in this difficult time. She was such an amazing woman and will be dearly missed. She will be watching over us...there isn't a better gaurdian angel out there.
Sending the "Elders" back to their missions to fullfill their work-

Jason & I at: The Lion King-
Taking a little getaway vaca. w/ the Davis Family to Disney Land (SuperBowl weekend...we didn't think that one through...thank goodness for TiVo) -

“Around here we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things.” – Walt Disney