Today equals a Mothers worst nightmare...I'm sick (I know, poor me), .I remember when I was younger and even up until I had children that I didn't hate being sick. Because for most people, being sick really means you get a break. For me however, now that I have little rebels of my own that I care for 24-7--being sick is a living hell. I promise that no one gets the full meaning of the cliche "Mom's don't get sick days" until they have been a sick mom. But who is going to fill in for me when I get sick? No one. Being sick means that I have to do everything I normally do while feeling like crap. I must wake up when my kids wake up, I must put food in their bellies, I must amuse them and clothe them, and get them on the bus in time for school. I still am expected to change smelly diapers even though my gag reflex is enhanced times 10... and do the dusting, the dishes,the laundry, the vacuuming, and somewhere in the mix attempting to get in a shower... and if I decide not to do them while I am sick, guess who still has to do them later? That would be Me. The mom. Only by then, the piles of housework have become mountains from avioding them earlier. And unless I want to have my title of "MOTHER" stripped from me and have my kids forcibly removed from my house and placed in foster care, I cannot neglect that aspect of my job. Not ever.Being sick no longer means that I get to take a break from the things I dread doing. So I guess what I am getting at is the fact that mothers have the ultimate sick wild card to play that trumps anyone else's sick card. Particularly those mothers who have kids at home--and the younger they are, the worse off the mother is. Which basically boils down to the fact that I absolutely HATE being sick. Looks like its time for this mom to invade the medicine cabinet.