Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Another Year Older & Wiser Too.....

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
St. Johns Pioneer Days 2008
Pioneer Days Celebration #2 for 2008 was spent in St.Johns w/ the Whitings. Saturday aka "celebration day" tolled up to be a LONG day packed full of this and that on the "to do" list for our little busy family. An early 5am wake up to have us all ready for the drive...then to hit up Main Street in St.Johns to ensure our prime parade sitting seats...bathroom break at Grandmas...Parade sittin, parade watchin, & and parade candy catchin...Discovering that the camera batteries are dead...Surprise birthday party at teh park...Crew meeting & playing his little heart out with his new BFF Harvy...Trip meeting his new lady friends and future prospects Hayden & Rylie...Naptime-Breaktime for boys & us @ The Whiting Household...dinner w/ crazy kids...the fabulous Magic Show that had everyone mystified...and a late night drive home. Just a typical day in the life of us @ Pioneer Days!!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Working Hard & Having Fun
Francoise de Motteville:
The true way to render ourselves happy is to love our work and find in it our pleasure.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Snowflake Pioneer Days 2008
Family, friends, & laughter; Parades, craft shows, & bounce castles; Rodeos, ball-games, & fireworks....thats what Pioneer Days is made of.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Safety First
Crew has decided to play it safe (considering all his recent tumbles and endless tragedies he has experienced this summer.) While out in the back yard cruising on his "awesome bike" he asked for his 'helmet.' ...and so the conversation begins... My response, "You don't have a helmet." Crew: "Ya huh, mom." Me: positive there is no safety helmet in existence in our house replies to his surety, "Then go find your helmet and show me." Sure he would be in his room at least a good 5-10 min. contemplating what he could pull off as a helmet or loose his interest in the idea all together he came running out within seconds, helmet in hand....his football helmet!!! Crew: "Mom, see!?! I told ya!" It was a helmet none the least. He won, he was right....and I was happy that his bike riding experience for the day met the Mom's Safety Guidelines Regulations.
When Nature Calls....
So as I was downloading pictures from the camera today this is what I happened upon...
A little bum shining in the bushes. And wondering when and where this photo took place unknown to my knowledge that someone had caught Crew's little "shiny hiney" hidden in the bushes taking care of business where a bathroom is non-existent...this photo came next....
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Out of the Mouth of Babes....
"What the Hell!?!...its PINK!" As quoted by our favorite 4 year old. This past weekend Big J and I uprooted the boys from their room (along with all their valuables...cuddly blankets, Crews "special" cars, the pacifier, and ALL the things our boys just cant do without) and moved them into the guest room while we started "the project." Painting the fellas wall RED (which, those of you that have attempted this feat know it can be a long process). And of course we had two, more than eager, little boys that wanted to help splatter red over the wall. So, we let them help...more like let Crew help (supervised of course...we wouldn't let that kid loose on his own with a paint brush soaked in red paint) while Trip peeked at us through his crib. While taking a break and watching Mom & Dad paint it was sputtered from his lips.... "What the Hell...its PINK!" On the verge of laughing out loud Jason took hold of the reins, so calm and collect, while I had to hide my smile that cracked on my face from all visibility from our little man, and explained to him "don't worry it'll dry red." Clear on that confirmation (and the stern talking to about not saying the "Hell" word and why) Crew was satisfied with that answer and he continued on worry free from having a PINK wall in his room. Good Times, Good Laughs, and makes for even better Memories!!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Independence Day
July 4th came and went with a bang. We spent our Independence Day attempting to make the best of our 4 day weekend with runny noses, constant tears (from one or the other of the 2 boys), fevers that refused to break, and 2 exhausted parents that went sleepless for the weekend. Friday we thought we would lay low, skip the parade, and take the fellas to watch WALL-E at "the BIG movie show." Crew was more than excited when we told him the news...nothing else seemed to matter other than getting to "the BIG movie show" to see WALL-E!!! The movie was a HUGE success....WALL-E is the 1st movie that we, as a family, did not have to leave the theater becasue our little men have too many "ants in their pants" to be able to sit still through an entire movie. Success. We left Pinetop and made our way to St. Johns to spend some time with the Whiting Fam. and watch the fireworks over Lyman Lake. Tea parties with Grandma, playing with cousins, and Big J getting to reminisce through all High School scrapbooks & newspaper clippings of football....then off the the BIG fireworks show!!! 10 min into it and Crew was out for the count. The poor kid just had had enough and was worn out from celebrating the holiday that he didn't quite understand other than it was a "parade & fireworks day."
Saturday was a long day. Sick kids again and Big J gone for the majority of the morning playing in a golf tournament and me left home losing whats left of my mind. Although our day ended well watching Snowflakes 4th of July Firework show with glow sticks and cousins. We survived the "movie show", the fevers, the crying & whining, and survived each other!!! Lets knock on wood, wear some garlic around our necks, throw some salt over our shoulder, that this will be our last summertime sickness blues weekend for 2008.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Summertime Blues

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