Camping...a verb that I despise. A grin and bear it activity that I throw the towel in and let Big J win at least once a year(twice IF he is REALLY lucky). We spent the weekend at the Whiting Homestead and let my little fellas (this includes Jason) pretend to be "Mountain Men" riding around on 4-wheelers, late nights playing cards, nature walking, nature seeing, getting dirty, along with the other activities 'camping' has to offer. The boys ALL had a great time being rough and tough rendezvous "Mountain Men" for the weekend and mom hung in there on one of her last strands of sanity for the 72 hours we spent "roughing it" in the wilderness at the Homestead. My home was a great site for my sore shower was even better!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Whiting Homestead
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Topic of Hair.

Monday, June 23, 2008
Vaca. to the Valley & its Hot Hot Heat
Another little mini vaca. the boys & I get to take while Big J works. We spent our week in Scottsdale with a occasional trip into Mesa, out to Queen Creek, and Avondale (when the boys and I felt up to melting into puddles all for the sake of playing w/ cousins, shopping, and catching up with old friends). We all had a good time especially when 1-mom wasn't pulling her hair out from maintaining her little heat stricken monsters 2-Dad was available for a little assistance 3- no little "guys" were crying because mom wanted to shop for "girlie clothes." etc. etc. etc. 4-taking a break from being adults and going to the Jimmy Eat World concert 5-ending our stay with a train ride before getting out of the Hot Hot Heat at the McCormick-Stillman Railroad park. Good times, lots of laughs, and even better memories....I love my little Family.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Father's Day
1- My faults are made up for by his strengths and vice versa.
2-He is interested in making me happy when and where it counts the most.
3-He makes me laugh when I’m mad at him.
4-His hands are big and strong and soft
5-He has the longest battiest eyelashes (which is so unfair)
6-Even when I'm grumpy, you still like me.
7-We both really can't do without each other
8-You at least pretend you're going to do what I suggest.
9-Sometimes you call just because you're thinking about me.
10- We just fit together.
There are endless reasons why I love you but the most important is...knowing you is loving you. Thanks Big J for being my confidante, lifetime valentine, awesome father, and endless adjectives & verbs that make you who you are to our chaotic little family. We love you.
There are endless reasons why I love you but the most important is...knowing you is loving you. Thanks Big J for being my confidante, lifetime valentine, awesome father, and endless adjectives & verbs that make you who you are to our chaotic little family. We love you.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Accident Waiting to Happen
Poor little Mr. JCrew. Lets just chalk up injury #2 to the list of summer 2008. I am beginning to think this kid may have an injury jinx phenom awaiting him while attending Moms softball games. Thursday we played another church ball game and Crew was more than excited to go....1- he vacuumed (among many other household chores he performed throughout the day) the entire house and earned a whopping $1 that was his to get a treat at the concession stand 2-the playground equip. was awaiting his wiggles & giggles. Upon our tardy arrival unloading equipment & kids.....Crew jumped out of the truck...landed on all fours and...DUN DUN DUN....popped up and his head met the bottom corner of the back door. I hear a little cry then hear Jason proclaim to me that we have a problem while Crew is proclaiming he, "has a hole in his head!" Big J taking it out on himself (and a little sick from the site of the gushing head wound) I took over cleaned it up and made the (probably not so mother of the year) decision that he would be fine. Come on people...all a Doc. would do was maybe one stitch or just glue the thing back together....not to mention how traumatic it would be to hold the kid down for the entire process!!! Plus the our poor little guy was more concerned about missing Moms game and getting his treat at the concession stands. He is one tough hombre. So my boys all sat together, eating treats, and cheering me on....what more could I ask for!?! And one more thing...our team got our groove back...we won!!!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
One Tough Cookie
Memorial Day Weekend (catching up)
Catching Up from Memorial Day Weekend.....
So here is a quick photo update of our Memorial Day Weekend we spent visiting Grandma, Grandpa, & Auntie's "Great" (as our little 4 year old calls them.) in Farmington NM.

The Boys and Grandma Smithie (who tagged along to keep us sane on a 5hr long drive & not to mention help keep the little monsters intertained). Pictures: Checking into the hotel...boys taking a break from the long drive....checking out to visit "Grams & Gramps Greats."
The Boys and Grandma Smithie (who tagged along to keep us sane on a 5hr long drive & not to mention help keep the little monsters intertained). Pictures: Checking into the hotel...boys taking a break from the long drive....checking out to visit "Grams & Gramps Greats."
Grandma & Grandpa Wheelers house. Pictures: Great Aunt Kristie & Boys. Thanks Aunt Kristie for the cute gifts....the boys LOVE them....they love getting spoiled at Grandma Great's House!!!
Pictures: Grandma Great, Aunt Kathleen (who came to visit from Utah w/ her daughter and daughters husband), and Grandma Smithie. Gramps keeping us all in line with his whip...hey Gramps, I think Indiana J. is looking for his whip :) & Mom and Kathleen...sisters.
Shopping at the Farmington Mall. The boys were so excited to ride in the Fire Engine may have been the highlight of their to getting spoiled rotten by Grandparents and Great Aunties.
Pictures of the "guys." Big J reading ESPN mag. to Trip. Crew & Gramps having a one on one conversation about sports. Trip clinging to his new best friend Kevin.
Saying our goodbyes...Whiting Family attempting to get a 'family photo' w/ Grandma & Grandpa good as it gets. Shanda with Grandma.
Memorial Day. Back home for a BBQ with the Whiting Klan. Crew and Grandpa jumping. MMMmmm....cake! Ed & Nanette with ALL the grandkids.
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