Okay, so this was too funny not to post. Crew had just got home from school and asked for his milk....well I told him it was in the fridge and he was a BIG boy and could go get it and then he could pick a snack from the snack box and go watch cartoons until Trip woke up from his nap. So off he went rummaging through the cupboards and fridge unsupervised while I was in the office paying bills and blog surfing my friends blogs when I heard Crew crying "Oh Fishy! Oh No! Where did Fishy go! Mom, Fishy gone!" I flew out of the room and into the kitchen to address the fish situation. And thats when I saw it!!! The fish bowl was spilling over w/ MILK!!! Crew still sitting next to the bowl along with a near empty milk carton whimpering (while I frantically was trying to save the near lifeless fish, get the story, & try not to laugh) tried to tell me what had happened. His story: Apparently, while searching through the fridge to find his cup of milk he saw the "BIG milk" sitting there and he decided that "Fishy like milk too!" So he "gived Fishy a dink" and then "Oh no! Fishy gone!" Needless to say, we saved our fish (unless he crokes in the next day or two from milk inhilation). Crew appologized to his fish and got a quick lesson from mom (and a swift kick to the BUTT) that ......"Fish don't swim in MILK!"
Poor Fishy! I'll keep you updated on how the fish is holdin up :)